Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Heya doubters. Look, I'm sticking to my resolution - second time this week. How good am I? Not to mention the fact that I just spent two hours slaving away in a dirty garden bed. I have to get serious brownie points for that, right? Otherwise where is the justice in the universe when I could have been on here, trawling the internet for useless crap (my favourite pastime)?

Anyhoo, I was up til three a.m. this morning watching this movie called Across The Universe. It's a tribute to Beatles songs, like Mamma Mia was for ABBA, except the storyline of Mamma Mia kind of made sense and there weren't drug induced mindless spasms of 'creative filming' all through it. Plus, it's a musical, which means that people jsut randomly break into song for no good reason... which always annoys me. Why can't the real world do that? How hilarious would that be? I watched an episode of The Chasers War On Everything once where they did a segment called, If Life Was Musical. They did this one where they started serenading this guy who walked out of a 7-Eleven, and then the entire crowd started choreographed dancing. Fuckin' hilarious. The guy almost choked on his coffee, though. Woulda been a bummer. Barring random segue, Across The Universe had some lol parts, and the two main guys were truly hot (in my humble opinion) even though the chick wasn't (ahem: jealousy issues) but I spent most of the time just tripping out with the inverted technicolour and the fits of WEIRDness. Must be fun to make a movie like that.

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